
The Crest of Indian Institute of Spirituality presents a synthesis of Indian, Christian and Salesian notions of Spirituality. It stands for Bhakti-Jnana-Kriaikyam- the harmony and unity (aikyam) of devotion (bhakti), knowledge (Jnana) and action (kriya). A & O (Alpha and Omega) is the symbol of Christ in whom the beginningless Lord takes beginning (‘Alpha’) and in whom all beings find their final goal (‘Omega’). The rising sun stands for the risen Christ whose radiance illuminates the entire universe. The lotus petals around it symbolize purity, wisdom, immortality and eternity. The rice grain symbolizes food, the sustenance for life and it represents Jesus as the bread of eternal life (Jn. 6/35). The crest stands as the norm for all those who enter this institute to realize the radical following of Christ through simplicity of life, resulting from the harmony of thought, speech and action. It stands as a motivation to read and to meditate the Word of God daily, to bear witness to Christ in loving service to one’s fellow-beings and to strive after holiness in life by the faithful discharging of one’s duties, both great and small.


The motto of Indian Institute of Spirituality is the attainment of immortality through the harmony of deep contemplation, knowledge (jnana) (Isa Upanishad 5.11; Kena Upanishad 2.4-5), action (karma) (Brhd. Upanishad 3.2.13), performed in the spirit of nishkamakarma, which is selfless service (Bhagavadgita 3.4; 18.5) and devotion (Bhakti) (Bhagavadgita 12.14-20). The final goal is supreme wisdom, the fullness of love, holiness and wholeness. IIS stands for intellectual excellence along with spiritual growth and pastoral commitment in the pursuit of wholeness and harmony of life.

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