Licentiate in Spiritual Theology

MTh (Licentite) in Spiritual Theology

The Master’s Degree (MTh) in Spirituality conducted by the Indian Institute of Spirituality, in association with St. Peter’s Pontifical Institute, provides the students with opportunities to specialize in the spiritualities of the East and the West. This course is intended to train the students for scientific research and prepares them to teach theology, with the specialization in Spiritual Theology, in seminaries, in institutions of higher learning and in houses of formation. The master’s degree in Spirituality, offered by Indian Institute of Spirituality, comprises of 2 years rigorous research and study. During this period students reside in the Institute. The course, which is conducted on a cyclical basis, consists of lectures, tutorial, seminars, field work, learning of foreign languages and the furnishing of a scientific dissertation, which is to be defended at the end of the course. It offers opportunities to the students for personal study and research under the guidance of competent professors. The courses and examinations are jointly conducted by both St. Peter’s Pontifical Institute and the Indian Institute of Spirituality. The degrees offered by St. Peter’s Pontifical Institute at the completion of the course qualify the candidates for admission to the Doctoral Study in any ecclesiastical faculty of theology in India and abroad.

Courses offered at IIS for Licentiate  in Spiritual Theology (MTh)

 Year 1
 Title of the Course      Professor      Credit
Research Methodology  Dr. Eugene Newman Joseph 1
Basic Concepts in Spirituality Dr. Joe Cherolickal, msfs 1
Eucharistic Spirituality Dr. Benny Koottanal, msfs 2
Introduction to Liturgy Dr Sibichen Kochuveedu, msfs  
History of Spirituality (Modern) Dr. Joe Cherolickal, msfs 2
History of Spirituality (Contemporary) Dr. Henry Jose Kodikuthiyil, msfs 2
Mission in the Bible (Part II)  Dr. Lucien Legrand, mep 1
Johannine Spirituality  Dr. Paul Kunjanayil, mcbs 2
Patristic Spirituality Dr. Xavier Terrence 2
Special Questions in the Theology of Trinity  Dr. Jacob Parappally, msfs 2
Carmelite Spirituality   Dr. Gregory D’Souza, ocd 1
Special Questions in Spirituality & Morality    Dr. Joe Cherolickal, msfs 1
Psycho-Spiritual Integration Dr. George Manalel, mcbs 1
Mariology Dr. Jacob Parappally, msfs 1
New Religious Movements Dr. Bosco Antony Ryan 1
A New Pedagogy for an Integral Formation Fr. Joe Benedict Mathias, sj 1
Wisdom Spirituality Dr. James Pius 1
Leadership and Decision Making   Dr. Binu Edathumparmabil, msfs 1
Seminar 2
Year 2
 Title of the Course      Professor      Credit 
History of Spirituality (Ancient)  Dr. Thomas Vazhacharickal 2
History of Spirituality(Medieval) Dr. Baptist Rodrigues 2
Mission in the Bible (Part I)   Dr. Lucien Legrand, mep 1
Spirituality of the Psalms    Dr. Thomas Vallianippuram 2
Spirituality of the Book of Revelation Dr. Johnson Puthussery, cst 1
Spirituality of the Letter to the Romans Dr. Jose Maniparampil 2
Mysticism Dr. Maria Antony 1
Benedictine Spirituality Abbot John Kurichianil, osb 1
God in Koran Miss Fatima Sarah 1
Eco-Spirituality Dr. Henry Jose Kodikuthiyil, msfs 1
Special Questions in Christology Dr. Jacob Parappally, msfs 2
Pastoral Psychology & Counselling Dr. Thomas John Paarrael 2
Spirituality and Science Dr. Augustine Pamplany, cst 1
Prophetic Spirituality Dr. Joy Painadath 1
Seminar 2


In addition to the above-mentioned courses students are expected to present two scientific papers as part of seminars during the course of their research. The seminars are conducted on relevant topics that are not included in the regular academic programme. Experts on the theme are invited to give input talks and orientation. The topic would be suggested to the students by the academic board after sufficient consultations and study. The seminar would be equal to a two credit course.

Foreign Languages:

Every M.Th student is expected to have the basic knowledge of the classic language ‘Latin’ and one of the modern languages, such as, German, Spanish, Italian or French. Mastery of these languages is expected to enable the students to have direct access to the sources and to help them widen their horizon of original thinking. IIS, in association with St. Peter’s Pontifical Institute, offers these courses on regular basis.

Evaluation of the Course:

The evaluation of the course takes place by taking into account the participation of the student in the class, seminars, assignments, and the comprehension of the subject by means of oral and written tests. It is advisable that the professor gives class-tests or assignments during the course of lectures and considers the performance of the students in these for determining the final grade in the examination at the end of the course. The pass mark is 40% for courses and seminars. Students are not allowed, without the professor’s authorization and the due knowledge of the dean of studies, to be absent from an oral or written examination for a course or to hand in a term paper later than the prescribed date. Non-observance of this regulation will mean failure in the course.


The Dissertation or the Scientific Research Paper forms a major scheme of the Master’s Degree in Spiritual Theology. Through the Scientific Research Paper the student is not only introduced into the art of scientific presentation of a theme, but also helped to specialize in a field of interest within the scope of Spiritual Theology. The research will be done under the able guidance of a qualified professor, who would constantly accompany the student through his/her expertise, timely evaluations and corrections. The MTh dissertation consists of a minimum of 100 pages and a maximum of 200 pages.

Contextual Spirituality: Study Tour to Banaras (Varanasi) and to South India

Considering the need to integrate oneself into a holistic personality, Indian Institute of Spirituality is organizing a live-in experience of two weeks for the post-graduate students, firstly, among the villagers of Kasi (Varanasi), and in the city of light, Varanasi itself. It would be a practical experience especially with the group of Krist-Bhaktas. It would be an experiential learning by following the life-style of the local people in an ashram context, completely adapting oneself to the people’s living conditions, sharing their food, facilities and thus learning contextually the meaning of spirituality. The experience would include classes on Indian Spirituality, visiting the villages, conducting meditations, Satsangh and meeting the Krist-Bhaktas. This study-tour also would undertake visting holy places and cultural heritages of the City of Light.
Understanding the fact that spirituality involves the integration of heart and mind, knowledge and experience, IIS organizes yet another pilgrimage through south India visiting some of the kern spiritual centres, both of Hindu and Christian tradditions. It would be a praxis-oriented experiential pilgrimage which would deepen the academic knowledge attained through the classes, thus helping the student to arrive at holistic spirituality.

Requirements & Conditions


Admission to the MTh course is open to those who already possess a degree in BTh with at least second class in Theology, the eligibility of which will be adjudged by the competent authorities of the Institute. In case of necessity, the candidate should pass a qualifying examination conducted by the Institute.


  • To get registered to the Master’s Degree programme in Spiritual Theology, the candidate has to fill-in duly the application form provided by the Institute. The application form can be obtained from the institute at request or can be down-loaded here: Application Form
  • The duly filled-in application form, attached with a passport-size photo has to reach the institute latest by the 30th April.
  • Along with the filled-in application form, four more copies of passport size photos are to be included for the office purposes.
  • Each filled-in application form has to be accompanied by the approval / no-objection letter of the Bishop or the Provincial Superior or the Superior In-charge.
  • Photo-copies of all the relevant certificates, mark lists and documents of other studies accomplished have to be submitted at the time of registration.
  • The registration fee per candidate is Rs. 300/-. It has to be paid at the time of the registration. If it is paid by DD or Cheque, it has to be drawn in favour of: Indian Institute of Spirituality.
  • If the registration is done through E-mail or by Post it has to be addressed to the Director/Dean, Indian Institute of Spirituality.
    Board and Lodging
  • IIS provides its students the facilities for board and lodging. During the two years of their research students reside in the institute. The institute offers its students every facility for their intellectual, spiritual and physical development. M.Th students form part of IIS, which is a religious community of prayer, study and activity.
  • In accordance with its academic curriculum IIS also provides opportunity for those students, who wish to stay outside the institute, to participate in the M.Th programme. They would be considered as Day Scholars. They are expected to participate in every academic activity of the institute, which pertains to their respective field of study.

Working days and Holidays

IIS has five working days a week. Saturday and Sunday are without the regular classes. These days are considered study days to be used for extra-reading in the field of the subjects that are being treated in the classes to supplement and to acquire a deeper understanding of the same. This time could also be partly used for extra-curricular activities that will enhance one’s personal development. The occurrence of more than one holiday a week will make the Saturday of the week a working day.


  • Students must attend all lectures with out neglect, carry out all prescribed academic assignments and participate in the regular activities of the Institute. For any period of absence, the Director/Dean of Studies is to be informed before-hand. In the case of the Day Scholars, who require a leave of absence, the Director/Dean of Studies is to be informed through a letter countersigned by the respective Superior.
  • Applications for longer periods of leave (for both Residential Students and Day Scholars) duly countersigned by the respective Superior is to be made in writing to the Director/Dean of Studies at least 3 days in advance.


1st Year Residents Rs. 60,500 Registration, ID card, Handbook 500
Internet & Library Fee 5,000
Course Fee 16,000
Board & Lodging 36,500
Foreign Language 2,500
Day-Scholars Rs. 24,000


2nd Year Residents Rs. 60,100 Handbook 100
Internet & Library Fee 5,000
Course Fee 16,000
Board & Lodge 36,500
Foreign Language 2,500
Day-Scholars Rs. 24,000


  • Every Student is expected to pay the Fee within ten days of the commencement of the course.
  • Special Fees: Besides the annual fees, the candidate should pay special fees as prescribed by the Institute for the Research Proposal, Dissertation Approval and for the Public Defence.


IIS offers partial scholarship to its registered students. To be eligible for the same the students have to comply with the norms and regulations of registration within the stipulated time. The scholarship money is distributed to students at the end of the academic year.

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